About MIrA

Data compiled and website developed by Pádraic Moran, Classics, University of Galway (Ireland).

Additions, corrections, suggestions welcome: padraic.moran@universityofgalway.ie.

The list was compiled initially from the following sources (principally CLA and Bischoff in the first instance):

  • J.J.G. Alexander, Insular manuscripts, 6th to the 9th century (London, 1978).
  • Jacopo Bisagni, A Descriptive Handlist of Breton Manuscripts, c. AD 780–1100 (with contributions by Sarah Corrigan).
  • Bernhard Bischoff, Südostdeutschen Schreibschulen und Bibliotheken in der Karolingerzeit, 2 vols (Wiesbaden, 1940–1980).
  • Bernhard Bischoff, Katalog der festländischen Handschriften des neunten Jahrhunderts, 3 vols (Wiesbaden, 1998–2014).
  • Dagmar Bronner, Verzeichnis altirischen Glossen (Marburg, 2013) [published in PDF].
  • Foundations of Irish Culture online catalogue (c. 2014).
  • E. A. Lowe, Codices Latini Antiquiores, 12 vols (Oxford, 1934–1971), digitised and updated at Mark Stansbury, Early Latin Manuscripts.
  • Patrick McGurk, Gospel Books and Early Latin Manuscripts (London, 1961).

Content still to add (July 2022):

  • Further bibliographical information.
  • Insular manuscripts of unspecified origin from CLA and Bischoff.
  • Manuscripts for early transmission of Hiberno-Latin texts.
  • References to Donnchadh Ó Corráin, Clavis Litterarum Hibernensium, 3 vols (Turnhout, 2017).

Interface changes planned:

  • More refined search options.

Version history

Current version:

  • 0.5 (beta), 29 November 2023. Improvements to maps, network graphs, linked data.

Previous versions:

  • 0.4 (beta), 18 July 2023. Network diagrams. References for Alexander, McGurk, Trismegistos. New data for dimensions and folio counts (supplied by Lily Forrest). Developments to text, people, places indexes.
  • 0.3 (beta), 1 March 2023. Export manuscript list as CSV. Permanent references for multiple units. Minor corrections.
  • 0.2 (beta), 20 July 2022. Added data tables for texts, people, places (in development). New charts for page sizes, number of folios. Several minor interface improvements. Several minor corrections/improvements to data.
  • 0.1 (beta): May 2021. Initial version. Manuscript list, date chart, libraries map, basic search.

View source code and data at: https://github.com/padraicmoran/MIrA


Sincere thanks to the following for additions, corrections and suggestions:

  • Jacopo Bisagni
  • Lily Forrest
  • Truc Ha Nguyen
  • David Stifter
  • Immo Warntjes
  • Brega Webb

Cite this page:
Pádraic Moran, Manuscripts with Irish Associations (MIrA), version 0.5 dev (2023) <http://mira.ie/about> [accessed 23 October 2024]